Wednesday 2 November 2011

1 comment:

  1. Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter
    Read to END
    Meeting held at Donnez Hair Design 23rd November
    Apologies: Leonie, Sara
    Book reviewed Truth by Peter Temple , Merryn was the only one who had actually read the whole book, her feedback was that she really enjoyed the way it was written and she has never read a book quite like it before. Jules read about 120 pages and I read about 75, I didn't like it at all so decided not to continue. Jules had pretty much the same opinion.

    Thanks Susan for again providing a lovely venue for our meeting, ( she got in the cupboard again)not everyone wore their wigs but those that did looked great, except for me I hated my wig. Jules looked great in her purple shag!! Gaye created quite a stir with her just had sex blonde wig, look out Ron!! Suzie as always looked glam in her balck bob which brings me to discuss our new uniform.
    It was decided on the night that from now on we all wear black bob wigs as part of our Audrey theme. Can you imagine how much fun it will be rocking up to our Christmas dinner at Doyles all decked out in our black wigs.

    Susie suggested we read a Christmas title for our next book.

    The Greatest Gift by Philip Van Doren Stern.

    Jill also suggested we all may like to read an old classic Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth.

    I will leave it up to you.

    Our Christmas Meeting is booked so please let me know asap if you can't attend as I will need to let the restaurant know


    Over the christmas break everyone is to write a 500 word essay/short story, signed with a psuedonym, we will copmpile into a book and then we have to try and guess who wrote what, you never know we could end up with a best seller amongst us!!!!!!

    Christmas Meeting: Tuesday 21st of December
    Doyles Deck & Bistro
    7 pm
    Wear you Wig
    Bring a KK to the value of $10-$15

    HO HO HO!!!!

