Monday 18 June 2012

Our First Meeting

 Hi everyone, this is the first of I hope many more to come newsletters for our newly formed Book Club. Please feel free to send me anything you want added, any ideason how we can make it work better etc.
        Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter    
Attended 16th February 2010
Jill Simone Jo                                                                                                                                         
Sophie Sue Julia Gay Sue Merryn Apologies: Leonie (we missed you Leonie)
Well ladies our first meeting held on the 16th of February  was very successful. We ironed out a few bumps and I think we have quite a good format ahead of us to enjoy, some interesting converations will certainly ensue. I am sure the club will evolve as we go and we will change as we feel the need. I for one am looking forward to the challenge of reading titles that I would normally not select myself.
Our first title that was discussed was Breakfast at Tiffany's, it was an interesting discussion and a guideline from the Lit Lovers website was used  a prompt.
We selected our next title by placing names that had been suggested by attendees  into a bowl. It was also suggested that we could bring along books to swap if you so desire. Another suggestion was to look at tiles that are also movie titles that we could perhaps watch as another format.
If you are unable to attend can you please let me know, and rememebr even if you haven't read or comleted the book your input is still of value and you will still get something out of attending.
This what was discussed and decided upon:
  • Meetings willbe held on the third Tuesday of the month
  • The person whose title is selected will host and run the evening
  • New titles can be added to the box at each meeting
  • The host will also discuss another title that they have read as a point of interest
  • Dress will be in black unless otherwise stated, ie a theme night
  • Food in the form of nibbles will be provided by the host, although people can certainly offer to bring along refreshments to assistand you do not need to go to too much trouble.
Our Title for next month is : The Spare Room by Helen Garner
Meeting to be held at Merryn's house:Time 7pm  Sharp if possible so we can have a good natter before we get into the nitty gritty
I have included the recipe for my tarts as requested:
Recipe for Tomato Tartlets:
Pampus Shortcrust pastry was used for the bases. Pre cook for around 10 minutes in 350 oven
Filling ; 250g creme cheese placed in food prcessor with 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and a big handful of basil, salt & pepper. A chunck of feta cheese, process until smooth. Fill cooked pastry cases and garnish with half a cherry tomato and a small basil leaf,Yum!!! was the verdict form all who attended.
Until next time

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