Thursday 21 June 2012


                                       Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter  
                                                        January 2012
A belated Christmas update:
Apologies: Merryn , Deb( our newbie member)
Everyone else attended.
Well hello everyone, Audrey has been on a holiday so she has been a bit tardy at getting our Christmas update newsletter out, she was busy scaling the heights of Mount Kosiosko, no mean feat against a strong headwind!!
I hope you all had a fab Christmas and New Year and are ready to approach 2012 with Zest and vigour, get those reading eyes out and about.
Our Christmas Breakup at Doyles was a great night , everyone looking gorgeous in their touch of sparkle particularly Leonie and Jayne in their gold dresses.
I am thinking next year we will hold it a bit earlier as I think everyone was a bit tired, we had our usual laughs when dealing with the KK, job well done again Steph( Bousie)
Just a few highlights, Jayne wanted the BIG ONE , Julia was a bitch , she took Shelle's present, Jayne still has hold of the BIG ONE , in the end everyone was happy with their gifts!!
Thankyou to everyone for their donations throughout the year for our charity, we raised $100 which was then matched by Ernst & Young, our selected charity was the RSPCA, lets aim for bigger and better this year, i have a few ideas.....................................
We never did get to finish those squares, we will have to try again this year, Gaye I think you should be the custodian of this one!!! what say you?? Deb we can get you some trainer knitting needles.
Patrick was presented with his Christmas Hamper and was very chuffed indeed, he took me on a tour of his vegie garden while I was there and said it meant a lot to him that we had thought of him at this time of year.
On a sad but exciting note, Merryn has departed our shores to head north and reside in Sydney and start on a whole new exciting centure, we will miss you Merryn , Merryn is going to continue to be a member  via correspondence, we look forward to your input.
Our next meeting is going to be held at Higginbotham Winery Dromana on Sunday the 12th of February for lunch12.00
We will be reviewing 
  Tuscan Rose By Belinda Alexandra
Jill will be leading the discussion.
Jules your pick for the next book  so please bring along title for everyone.
Susie you are hostess with the mostess for April so maybe you can bring along your title as well so people can get prepared well in advance.
To date I know that Susan and Jayne cannot attend the next meeting due to prior committments, please let me know if you cannot attend as I will be making a booking for lunch so need accurate numbers.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Yours in reading
Audrey xx

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