Thursday 21 June 2012

Little Bee

Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter  
                                                           May  2012                        
Held at Davey's Frankston, 
Apologies Jules, Leonie
Sarah has formally handed in her resignation, all of you should have received her email, sorry to see you go Sarah, we did have a few laughs especially your initiation  night when you looked likeJoanne!!!! you are more than welcome to be a guest at anytime you feel the urge.
We had a lovely evening around the round table, the meals were delicious and the conversation lively as ever. There were a few tales told of family history, Jayne shared a very sweet story and of course Susie has a Lady Bousie in her family Tree.
Book Reviewed: Little Bee by Chris Cleave
see attached reviews
General Business:
Sarah's resignation brought to the table the discussion of a new member to make it an even 10 again.
Our next official meeting will be held in July as we have the book launch on Wednesday the 13th at Aziza, PLEASE  let me know if you are not attending as I have confirmed numbers with Jo already.
We will make our next official meeting  a bring along a guest night and we will have a democratic vote as to who we want to join from the guests.
Jayne is the hostess and has suggested a great wine bar in Gardenvale as the venue for a Friday night, sounds fun.
The date is Friday 20th of July, she will get back to me with the finer details.
The book title is 50 Shades of Grey ( a raunchy read I believe!!!) Leonie has already read it a few times!!!!
Deb you might have to buy to take away with you.
Jayne has sent through an email re purchasing the book from Fishpond for around $10, I have already ordered my copy
The erotica novel, "Fifty Shades of Grey" has taken the world by storm. E.L. James' best-selling BDSM novel is a far better and greater opponent to that of Paulo Coelho's "Eleven Minutes" when it comes to S&M and all things sexually wild.

A few other titles you may like to look into are:

 Cafe Arnold Zables.
Good Living Street by Tim Bonyhady
Growing Old Outrageously by below

LIKE a fine wine and a good book, some things just get better with age, just ask Randwick’s Hilary Linstead.
Australia’s first theatrical agent, who fled England chasing both a bloke and the dream of becoming an actress (neither of which materialised), has filled her life with bright lights, divas and plenty of adventure.
Linstead packaged shows, including Tap Dogs, and threw her hat into film production. Her credits include Heatwave, Molly (the singing Dog) and Bootmen. But the next chapter of her life began when she reconnected with an old school friend from England, Liz Davies, after 35 years. Both shared a determination to venture outside their comfort zone and put the revelry back into retirement.
The pair embarked on a series of extended holidays and have been circumnavigating the globe ever since, taking in sights such as the Atlas Mountains in North Africa and safaris in South Africa as well as several music festivals in Naples and Prague.
The thrills and spills from their many colourful adventures is encapsulated in their book Growing Old Outrageously - a celebration of friendship and laughter. Available from Allen and Unwin.  Looks Gorgeous doesn't it??
Deb is off on her trip overseas this week, Have a fabbo time
See you all at the Book Launch
Audrey xx

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