Thursday 21 June 2012

Love Song

                                       Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter  
                                                        April 2012
Hello ladies, sorry for the delay for last months newsletter, Audrey has been busy galavanting around the countryside!!!
Just got back from a wonderful long weekend away visitning our interstae memebr Merryn with Bousie in tow.
Our last meeting was held at Bousies( AKA Stephanie Plum) on the 24/4 To be commended on her yummy zucchin slice and dips that she made for us all.
Apologies: Gay and Deb
Book Reviewed was Love song by Alex Miller. Julia's choice

We had mixed reviews which made for a very interesting discussion, we really sounded like a proper bookclub!! Not everyone has forwarded their reviews so I have attached those that were sent through. Overall I would have to  say a negative review.
Our next meeting is earmarked for Sunday  the 27th of May with Gay( Elizabeth) as the Hostess with the Mostess, I am just awaiting confirmation from Gay for destination point and time , I was thinking a brunchie meeting?
The selected title is Little Bee by Chris Cleave wLittle Beewhich Iam hoping most of you have started by now, I have just started reading and must say I am finding it very intriguing, get to the library SUSAN and start reading!!!!!!!!!!
What a laugh we had when everyone presented their treasure form their past, Audrey presented her  dealry loved swap cards which had all the girls swooning, bringing back memories of good times had swapping them at primary school, she even had the coveted Little Boy Blue on horseback.
Jayne's doll Sallyann creeped us all out a bit especially when Jules placed a knife in her hand for the phot shoot.Leonie's teddy was very nervous looking, .
if Jill's Noddy car had of been bigger he may have made a getaway in it
Susie had us in fits of laughter with her Midge and Julia dolls, especially when she was playing dress ups later on. She also had her very precious medals from her gymnastic feats.
Merryn even sent us a video of her reading her diary she had made when she was a young girl.
Boodie was sadly missed on the night.
We did a collection for our charity, Leonie will keep us up to date on our total.
I will send out a reminder before next meeting but please remeber to send through a review before the meeting so I can collate onto one sheet and keep as a record .
Don't forget to keep the 13th of June for our Book Launch of Sinning Across Spain at Aziza.

Sinning Across Spain
Piper, Ailsa

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Sinning Across Spain is the story of Ailsa Piper's 1300 kilometre walk from the southern city of Granada to Galicia, "the bathtub of Spain", in the far northwest, carrying an unusual cargo. Aside from 10 kilograms of practicalities, she also lugged a load of sins in her swag.
In the tradition of medieval believers, or scammers, who paid others to carry their sins to holy places, and so buy forgiveness, Ailsa asked her colleagues and friends to donate a sin. She then shouldered them across country, being taunted and tempted by them along the way, and trying to discover the mysteries of faith. What is faith? Did she have it? Could she get it? Would she know it if she saw it?
Sinning across Spain celebrates the call of the road, the possibilities for connection, and the simple act of putting one foot
for now

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