Monday 18 June 2012

Love at The Railway Hotel take 2

                                            Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter
                                                                    February 2011
Held at the Bousie residence.
What a treat, everyone was in attendance so no apologies, we even had a special guest and what a guest she turned out to be, Judith, Sara's mother came along to help us celebrate our very first birthday and had us laughing with her story of her visit to a brothel, the look on Sara's face was priceless.
Bousie was resplendant in her black wig, looking very Morticiaish in all black with her long gloves.
We all had our party hats and even celebrated with cupcakes although we did forget to sing happy birthday to ourselves!!
Before we started to read our stories I asked everyone to go around the room and share one thing about themselves that we wouldn't know about them, this was when Judith divulged about her trip to the brothel, a real surprise to Sara. Suzie had us laughing as she told us she once had a pet blue tongue called Stumpy.
Who would have thought that Leonie would have car parking range and that  Susan was a ventriloquist in her younger days. Jules shared the story about her mum & dad extolling about her fathers problem with a cramp at a very inconvenient time, or that Gay once held a private eye license and wanted to call herself Dickless Tracy.Jill broke someone's arm once, better not let her and Leonie out together!!
Merryn took a whole year off school at the age of thirteen to travel with her family and I was the girl who cried wolf and spent 3 days with a broken collar bone before anyone would believe me, Sara's was a little less dramamtic that her mother's, she had issues with pulling of band aids.
What an interesting bunch we are, a very funny exercise to try  again.
The highlight of the evening was when everyone went around the room and selected one of the anonymous stories to be read out to the group.There were tears and laughter and a lot of applause for the very well written tales that were told. They ranged from a real life fairy tale to a story about buying fish.Judith surprised us all with a very moving story about a dear friend, Judith you are definitely invited back next month.
Title for next month is Suzie's suggestion ( Susie to find out if she can get more copies)Audrey xx

Love at the Railway Hotel by Sue Hurley

Lisa Macleod grows up in a country town dreaming of the day she can move to somewhere bigger and more exciting, when, she believes, her real life will start. Then Lisa's mother takes off and Lisa is left behind at the Railway Hotel to work our for herself that finding your place in the world is more than a matter of geography.
Next title if you cannot get it
Blue Eyed Boy by Joanne Harris,
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 22/3/2011 at Sara's
2/5 Gipps Ave Mordialloc
7 pm.

Happy Reading

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