Thursday 21 June 2012

Gold by Chris Cleave


                                            Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter
                                                                        Held at The Cove Hotel                        
Apologies  :Susan(on a cruise lucky duck), Leonie, Jayne
Hi ladies, sorry for the delay with newsletter, Audrey has been under the pump arranging a wedding and then ending up full of the flu!!!!!!
We all huddled up in a booth at the hotel, quite cosy and a great setting for a meeting, most of us enjoying their very tasty Tapas menu. I must say that I thought it was one of our better discussions on a book title, I think the added pressure of having to write a review created a bit more interest. All in all great reviews by everyone, we actually sound quite professional!!
LOL at Deb regaling us with stories of her childhood toy Boodie, you had to be there, then the moment when she was leaving and Gaye very innocently asked  ,Deb is that your bra? Again you had to be there!!
Book Reviewed was Gold by Chris Cleave, see attached reviews, I have attached info on his other titles which you may feel inclined to read after reading Gold.Jill has read Littel Bee and said it was excellent.
Incendiary (US edition)Little Bee (US edition)The Other Hand (UK edition)

As we had an interrupted reading schedule we still have to complete Lovesong by Alex Miller ( some of you have completed already) which will discuss at our next meeting, along with other title The Paris Wife

The Paris Wife


The New York Times Bestseller
Set during a remarkable time, the same period as Ernest Hemingway's A Moveable Feast and The Sun Also Rises, Paula McLain's The Paris Wife brilliantly captures the voice and heart of Hadley Hemingway as she struggles with her roles as a woman—wife, lover, muse, friend, and mother—and tries to find her place in the intoxicating and tumultuous world of Paris in the twenties.
"This absorbing, illuminating book gives us an intimate view of a sympathetic and perceptive woman, the striving writer she married, the glittering and wounding Paris circle they were part of, and the challenges of trying to preserve love and domesticity in the face of rising celebrity and ruthless ambition."
General Business:
As it was such a success writing the reviews it was decided that it would become a regular occurrence with everyone submitting a review to Audrey to be added to the next newsletter.
We will call it             In Your Words
Bring along a toy or something special from your childhood to the next meeting at Bousie's, this was propmted by Deb's stories about Boodie( who I might add was kidnapped over the weekend but returned home safely to his mummy!!!)

Important Stuff

Tuesday 3rd of April official photographer from Mindfood magazine will be at Audreys at 7.30 to take our photograph for the June edition of the magazine.
Dress to impress I say!!!!! and please be on time, make it to my place by 7.15
Next offical meeting  Tuesday April 24th, venue to be decided, Bousie AKA Steph will be the Hostess.

Until Tuesday

Audrey xx

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