Monday 18 June 2012

Spilling The Beans

                                       Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter  
                                                                                                                   Meeting Held at Julia's
Apologies, Sarah and Susan                                                                                      

Spilling the Beans by Clarisssa Wright- One half of the Two Fat Ladies.
This is a first nearly everyone present had read the book!! Well done girls. Jill went out on a limb for something different and had an audio version which she thouroughly enjoyed, it made driving to work a whole lot nicer. I thought maybe we could listen to part of one at a meeting, then no perhaps not as even if I have my pointer present it is hard to get a word in at times, such a lively interactive bunch we are, knitting, talking, laughing.
Spilling the Beans was given an overall"Good Book " an interesting overview of a very colourful life indeed. It was considered to ramble a bit at times and go a little off course but in general an good read.
A highlight of our conversation was a point made by the ever obsevant Gaye about a substance called Alum, you had to be there!!!!!!!!
Summer Tomato Pudding was another highlight for Jill bringing back memories of when she has something similar as a young girl, here is the recipe if anyone wants to try it, we can add to our recipe book.
Fresh plum or vine tomatoes: enough to overfull the pudding basin you will use
Salt and pepper
Tomato passata
Lemon juice
Worcester and Tabasco sauces
Good stale Italian bread, decrusted and sliced
Good olive oil
Large bunch fresh basil
Dip tomatoes in boiling water and peel. Chop roughly with salt, pepper and tiny bit of sugar. Pour some passata into soup plate and season with lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce and touch of Tabasco. Soak bread slices in this mixture and line bowl with them, leaving no cracks or crannies. To tomatoes, add crushed garlic, good measure olive oil and lots of basil leaves. Pour into bread-lined bowl. Seal top with more soaked bread. Place receptacle on top with weights and leave overnight in fridge.Serve with quails’ eggs, olives, peppers, capers, and sour cream or good home-made mayonnaise.

 Yum Yum Julia made us all beautiful Sticky Date puddings, thanks from all of our waistlines
Susie distributed our characters for the Murder Myster Weekend, a big thankyou to her for all of the work in collating etc
Characters are as follows:
Julie/Gail- Actress Ann Dayer
Leonie/Jayne - New Starlet Heidi Voltage
Gaye/Jenny G- Actor Stuart Studiron                                        PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS WHO ARE COMING AS GUEST.
Fran/ Sue-  Director Seldon Lloyd
Susan/ Julia- Actress Tattyana Elltale
Sarah/Deb K - Man Savoy Fayre
JillO /Susie- Novelist Writer Hack Ryder
Shelle/Merryn- Actress Ivonde B Alone
Jill has kindly offered to coordinate food, can you please be in contact with her to advise what you would like to bring, we were thinking casseroles would be good, BYO breaky and drinks etc.
It would be good to also CC each other in on travel arrangements as I am sure we can do a convoy of some sort and cut sown on the amount of cars going. Check out the accommodation on the website to familiarise yourselves.
Go Gaye!!!!, she is already roaring ahead with our squares for charity, I have attacehd website again with instructions.
FOOD HAMPER- Thank you to all who donated generously to the food hamper for Patrick, I have dropped it in to him with a note advising it is from The BATS BookClub- get it?????
Leonie collected for our charity, she will give us an update at next meeting.
Next title- Susie suggested we read an old classicValley of The Dolls by Jaqueline Susann                                                       
Front Cover
Looking forward to Murder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Till next time
Audrey xx

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