Monday 18 June 2012

Major Pettigrews Last Stand

Apologies from Jo, Julia
Meeting Held at Stephanie Plums AKA  Sue Bousie. And what a fine spread Miss Plumb provided us with. She has even been kind enough to send everyone a copy of the Karen Martini pizza that she made,. I am seriously thinking a recipe book is in the making so on your toes girls.
Attended by
Welcome to our newest member Anne McNabb who was inducted into the group with our usual professionalism, or mine I should say!!! She probably wonders what struck her, in between Susie and I showing our costume for the Sound of Music and every other thing that was discussed within five minutes of us arriving.
I am sure Anne will be waiting to see if Susie and I can top our story of Hammer!!
Susie even gave us an up to date news report on the young gunman at large in Melbourne. His mother claimed him to be a "gentle boy really" yeah right
DONT FORGET If you haven't sent through your photos to Jill yet, she wants  a baby shot and one in your teens and a wedding photo if possible.
The Book discussed was Major Pettigrews Last Stand by Helen Simonson . The overview of the book was that it was a very nice light read and it had some topical subject matter which we discussed.
Merryn thought the book would make a great movie and Anne said that she felt the subject matter was relevant to society in general and the issues are ones we all face.
Jules loved all the pomp and manners and how proper the Major was thoughout the book.
I loved the relationship that blossomed between the Major and Mrs Ali, how sweet that any age we still act like young lovers and get all emabarred etc, oh the flush of love!!!
New titles for next meeting were discussed among them The Slap,In My Skin, The Other Hans and The Monks Brother.
Merryn's choice of Bloodstain won out, Merryn gave a good overview of what the book is about, should make for some interesting conversation at our next meeting.
Speaking of the next meeting, I am going to try and talk my friend deb into hosting at her place so we can watch a movie and review that as well as our book. Will keep you posted on how I go.
Just getting ready to change into my costume for Singalong Sound of Music, wait till you see the photos.
until next time
Audrey xx
Next Meeting
Either 25th July or Tuesday 27th TBA
Book Title
Bloodstain by Richard Shears

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