Monday 18 June 2012

Dining at Istanbul

                                Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter    
                                                                        Tuesday 26th of October
                                                                    Dined at Istanbul, where to next??
Attended:For the first time in a long time everyone was there, even though Susie was a late attendee, dropping in aftergoing out for her dad's birthday, it was great to have us all converged around a round table!!
Great to have our overseas travellers back on board.Lot's of photos expected next time girls, you can bring your lap tops, maybe do a presentation of your best pics.
After working our way through a mountain of turkish bread and dipps, we moved on to our delicious meal of meat, meat, meat, with a little rice on the side, it was yummy, Susan of course did not eat her greens!!!
Leonie led discussion with her reviews of our title OPEN by Andre Agassi ( thanks Leonie), it was mixed review from those who had read the bookbut overall an enjoyable and easy read, giving us an insight into the life of a celebrity.
Ho! Ho! Ho !Can you believe it but it that time of the year approaching, so we thought we had better put our thinking caps on for a place to go for Christmas Bookclub, and of course there will be a  theme, Christmas of course!!If you have any suggestons please send through to me as I think we should book early so we don't miss out. We need to be fair with distance to travel as we have the girls from the Peninsula who travel a lot further  nearly every meeting.
We have decided on Tuesday the 21st of December
Next Meeting to be held at Donnez Hair Design, Mc Kinnon Rd McKinnon on , why don't we make it a WIG meeting as we are at the Hairdressers!!!!
                                                                                                                                        Go On I dare you all.
Title         Truth
TRUTH by Peter Temple
See you there
Audrey xx

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