Monday 18 June 2012

Update from Audrey

                                            Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter
Audrey is back in Town!!!!after an amazing time overseas.
As it will be our Birthday 1 Year old can you believe it, I think we should make it a festive occasion, we will have a cake to celebrate so dress up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( Susie I will organise)Any other suggestions gladly welcomed.
Also bring along any books you think could be a good read.
Don't forget that
                                        CHALLENGE FOR YOU ALL
Over the christmas break everyone is to write a 500 word essay/short story, signed with a psuedonym, we will copmpile into a book and then we have to try and guess who wrote what, you never know we could end up with a best seller amongst us!!!!!!
Looking forward to seeing everyone.

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