Monday 18 June 2012

Oranges and Sunshine

                                      Breakfast at Tiffany's Newsletter  
                                                                                                        Meeting Held at Cinema Europa Southland
                                                                Apologies Gaye   ,    Hope you had a great time in Port Douglas Gaye.    
                                                    Oranges and Sunshine                                    

Oranges and Sunshine tells the story of Margaret Humphreys, a social worker from Nottingham, who uncovered one of the most significant social scandals in recent times: the forced migration of children from the United Kingdom. Almost singlehandedly, against overwhelming odds and with little regard for her own well-being, Margaret reunited thousands of families, brought authorities to account and worldwide attention to an extraordinary miscarriage of justice. She discovered a secret that the British government had kept hidden for years: one hundred and thirty thousand children in care had been sent abroad to commonwealth countries, mainly Australia. Children as young as four had been told that their parents were dead, and been sent to children's homes on the other side of the world. Many were subjected to appalling abuse. They were promised oranges and sunshine, they got hard labour and life in institutions.
Everyone thouroughly enjoyed the movie, the acting was fabulous and the subject matter certainly created quite a bit of conversation as we sipped our  drinks and ate our snacks. It was a gret breakaway from our normal routine of reading a book ( for some that is!!!) I think I can speak on behalf of everyone to say it is something we will certainly try again.
Susie gave us a brief rundown on what to wexpect for our Murder Mystery Weekend which will be held on the last weekend in August so as I stated in last email I need to know if you are unable to attend and if you have a guest you would like to bring.
Leonie collected for our yet to be decide charity and will advise at our next meeting of what is in the kitty.
I saw a great idea in the paper today which would be a very worthwhile cause even if we only purchase one . I have attached the link for you to look at and see what you think. One swag costs $68 and would provide someone who is homeless shelter and protection.
Another thing I would like to promote while we are on the support bandwagon is this site.
Some of us may even knit a square while we are attending Bookclub.... Just a suggestion. i know there are a few knitters out there!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe our International member Judith can be in on this one too.????????
If you don't want to knit any donations of unwanted wool would be great for those who do.

For anyone that is interested I have attached a copy of Annabel Langbein's
srecipe for Preserved Lemons
We will be reviewing our latest title Spilling the Beans
 Till next time
Audrey xx

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